Developed using Unity and Blender, this project was a small team effort. I was in charge of the enemies 3D Model  and Design of the simulation room.

In the immersive world of 'Lights Out' darkness reigns supreme and survival is the ultimate goal. In this gripping simulation room, players find themselves enveloped in pitch-black surroundings, with enemies lurking in the shadows.
As adversaries move within the darkness, each step they take emits a haunting red light, offering brief glimpses of their presence. Amidst the darkness, the protagonist's only source of light is their weapon. With each shot fired, a brilliant burst of yellow light momentarily pierces the gloom, illuminating the surroundings and providing crucial moments of clarity.
In 'Lights Out,' the objective is simple yet challenging: survive for as long as possible amidst the encroaching darkness and relentless enemies. With every moment fraught with tension and uncertainty, players must rely on their instincts and reflexes to outlast the ever-present threat and emerge victorious.
Enemy Simulation
Enemy Simulation
Shotgun Light
Shotgun Light
Room Design
Room Design
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